中華語文學校資源連線 (TCLS resource links)
- 中華民國僑務委員會首頁►華僑文化教育►僑教服務資源►僑教服務站 海外華裔青年暑期福爾摩莎營
- 新英格蘭中文學校協會
- A repository page for many useful links to web sites in Taiwan.
兒童圖書 (Children’s books)
中文輸入法 (Chinese Input methods)
- PinYinJoe (http://www.pinyinjoe.com)
- 電腦輸入中文須知 (http://cclookup.cctserver.com/index-help)
字典/翻譯 (Dictionary/Translation links)
- MDBG (New 11/6/2011)
- PinYin dictionary. (New 12/12/2010)
- Google translation. (New 12/12/2010)
- 精粹 Chinese-English-Pinyin reference Dictionary
- Nice dictionary site with speaker
- Altavista translation site (both traditional & simplify Chinese)
- Chinese Dictionary 中文字譜
- English – lookup for Chinese phrase/character (vise versa) (updated: June 10, 2005)
http://cdict.giga.net.tw - pinyin – lookup for Chinese phrase (updated: June 10, 2005)
http://www.mandarintools.com/worddict.html - Popup translation- http://www.adsotrans.com/
教學資源連線 (Teaching resource Links)
- 賓果遊戲卡片製作
- 注音-漢語拼音 對照表
- 華語生字簿 (注音, 拼音)
- 新北市生字簿
- 一千字說華語 TextBook, Practices (8/27/2012)
- 美洲華語教學資源分享(9/8/2011)
- 海外民俗文化種子教案 (4/6/2011)
- 您好中國 has many free lessons, such as, PinYin.(1/8/2011)
- 數位臺灣書院(Taiwan Academy) (New 12/30/2010)
- Official goverment web site in Taiwan for learning Chinese culture and language
- 錦繡中華
- Chinese helper tools. (12/12/2010)
- Learn Chinese from pictures. (9/10/2010)
- 國小學生生字練習簿 Engine
- 翰林中文練習簿(New 9/1/2011)
- Play games to learn Chinese idioms
- Play games to increase Chinese vocabulary, idiom, dialogue
- Chinese word card with pinyin and picture
- Rutgers University Chinese teaching system
- Speech Sounds of Mandarin Chinese – 哈佛大學
- 網上學中文 – Learning Chinese Online
- 全套注音拼音轉換表 (http://cclookup.com/cclookup-table1.pdf)
- Book I-V Vocabulary Tables (updated: 6/15/2005)
- sound of the word (PDF, 215k)
- meaning of the phrase (PDF, 210k)
- parts-of-speech (PDF, 210k)
- book number / lesson number (PDF, 212k)
中文網路資源連線 (Other links)