Newsletter – March 25, 2012


From Principal Shawn Liu

• Contests on Sunday, 3/25.

G6 Chinese Typing, 2:10 – 2:50, Room 353

G7 Speech contest, 3:20 – 3:50, Room 127

Parents are welcome to observe.


• G5, 3/18 speech contests winners

最佳表現獎 Best performed

王仲安, 陳柔安 Joanne Wang, Madeline Tahnk

優良獎 Excellent

陳卓宇, 馬朗善 Jasper Tahnk, Sarah Ma

準備獎 Best Prepared

貝美妮, 貝愛芸 Grace Belsie, Gretchen Belsie

• Quite a few parents recommended Pleco Handwriting and dictionary for iPhone, iPad, and Android phones. It may be worthwhile to check it out this app.

• New England Association of Chinese Schools (NEACS) is hosting the annual speech, typing and culture contests on 4/14. Please register by 4/1 with your teacher. The school will subsidize the registration fee. Training will be provided between 4:10 and 4:50 in the office. Also please review the words and phrases to be used for typing contests from B1, B2, B3, and B4.

Contest Date : April 14

Place: 90 Lincoln St., Newton Highlands, MA 02461

Rules and Registration :

Speech, click me

Chinese Typing, click me

Culture & Arts & knowledge, click me


• The scores for the SAT II Chinese mock test will be available by April 30.

• In the event of the inclement weather or snow day the school cancellation will be posted on our website ( You will also be notified via email.


From Vice Principal Celia Lee

•         PARENT DUTY – The following parents are scheduled to work on March 18:

Michael & Dewi Crowe

Ti-Shian Wang & Hue Yi Jiang

Nelson Suit & Seri Latiff

James buswell & Carol Ou


• You can now find your parent duty schedule for the 2011-2012 school year on our website,

•  Parents on duty should report to the Office (Room 243) at 1:45pm. If you cannot come, please contact Vice Principal, Celia Lee(508-337-6071, is a $50 fine for absence without prior notice to the Vice Principal.


Support our Students

Joshua Shiau, TCLS graduate and former Guitar teacher of 2009-2011, is looking for your support to his art project, Pinwheel, to be displayed in the Burning Man festival at the Nevada desert. To read more, see here. To make donation please go here.

Joshua Shiau is a freshman at Rhode Island School of Design.


Dance Celebration

Angle Dance Company

Date: Sunday April 7, 7 PM

Place: John Hancock Hall, 180 Berkeley St. Boston
