Newsletter – September 16, 2018

From Principal George Wang

  • Greetings! Our school has start last Sunday (09/09). It’s first day of Extracurricular
  • The extracurricular classes will start this week on September 16. The classes include: Chinese Folk Dance(4-5 pm), Chinese Yoyo (3-5 pm) in room 200. If you have questions about any of the extracurricular activities, please contact Lai Ching Lui(617.899.7007,
  • On September 23 we will hold a Parents’ Meeting from 2:15 to 3:30 in the Meeting room. I hope everyone can attend.
  • Please observe the school opening and closing times. Unless you receive special notification, school will start at 2:00 PM and end at 5:00 PM. Please refrain from entering the building before 1:45 PM and leaving the school after 5:10 PM. Our school may incur additional cost for not complying to these rules.
  • 每年雙十國慶海外僑胞皆踴躍返國參加慶典活動,僑委會為了擴大服務返國僑胞,及透過節慶擴大創造國內商機,特商請僑胞卡特約商店另外提供「僑胞卡十月慶典專案」,優惠商家近500家,包括兩家國籍航空公司、多家大飯店、伴手禮店等,另多家醫療機構提供國慶專案價健檢,國立故宮博物院10月10日憑僑胞卡免費參觀。請透過僑委會官網(及僑胞卡官網(搜尋最新優惠內容。

From Curriculum Director Shawn Liu