Newsletter – October 28, 2018

From Principal George Wang

  • 2018年新英格蘭中文學校協會十一月漢字文化節活動將于 11/17/18 舉行: 朗誦比賽及 正體字抄寫比賽 。兩項比賽已開始接受報名
  • 歡迎大家踴躍報名參加.
  • Join MIT Cambridge Chinese Choral Society (CCCS) for an exciting adventure as we explore an aspect of classical literatury art in Chinese-language and its influence on music. We will perform choral compositions ranging from art to oldies as well as songs in Mandarin, Taiwanese, and Hakka; pairing classical poetry from the 8th century with music from the 20th century.
  • Please observe the school opening and closing times. Unless you receive special notification, school will start at 2:00 PM and end at 5:00 PM. Please refrain from entering the building before 1:45 PM and leaving the school after 5:10 PM. Our school may incur additional cost for not complying to these rules.

From Curriculum Director Shawn Liu