From Principal George Wang
- Dear Parent, the tuition is $500 for calendar year 2022-2023. Just write a check to TCLS, registration form is not needed
- 上週六年级演講比赛结果葉俊安第一,李愛華第二
- G8 speech context will be held on Sunday
- There will be Taiwan Day in Newton this Saturday, The address is 99 Lincoln Street. There will be plenty of foods and fun for everyone. I hope see you all there!
- Please observe the school opening and closing times. Unless you receive special notification, school will start at 2:00 PM and end at 5:00 PM. Please refrain from entering the building before 1:45 PM and leaving the school after 5:10 PM. Our school may incur additional cost for not complying to these rules.
From Curriculum Director Shawn Liu
- Thanks to the teachers, the class syllabuses are now available on our website.
- A very good Chinese language learning website – (